tan’si nitotem,

nitisîyihkâson chauntelle, mîna ohci nîya nakîwacîhk

Let me share with you a dream I hold dear…

A dream I hold dear

is to adorn the

peace keepers,

water protectors,

wind whisperers,

earth guardians,

and fire tenders.

to give life to your prayers,

to honor your sacred walk.

I dream of adorning the lovers,

healers, seers, teachers, leaders,

and the quiet ones who keep the circle strong.

all our warriors who lead in love,

have I adorned you yet?

it would be my deepest honor to.

The Art of Dreamweaving

Dreams are not planted in our hearts by mistake, They are seeds of the Great Garden of Dreams that we are meant to sow. If there is a dream in your heart that you are ready to bring to life, then this journey is for you.

Woven: A Gathering of Weavers

Woven: A Gathering of Weavers

Let us gather together with our needles and thread to weave a web that will catch the dreams of our collective.